As these problems began to be studied, approaches were developed to help individuals and organizations identify the components of a good decision, how to structure the decision problem and how to treat the associated uncertainty (Clemen and Reilly 2001; Donegan 2008; Kahneman and Tversky 1974; Kleindorfer et al. Ideally, the investigator would be able to look at a materials surface and distinguish the varying DOFD across its surface and this examination would be consistent with the findings of other qualified investigators. One of the 11 NWCG categories of fire pattern indicators. The fuels used for their experiments included a natural gas burner, gasoline pool fire and polyurethane foam. However, even the earliest text on fire investigation cautions investigators that ventilation may cause trouble with this process as it will cause greater damage in those areas of better air currents (Rethoret 1945). Fire effects are the physical or chemical changes that occur to different materials when exposed to the byproducts of combustion (e.g. 2009-DN-BX-K232. Often times the soot deposited within the room of origin will be higher in elevation with distinct lines of demarcation and thick soot deposits. The damage cues evaluated for ventilation-generated damage included: Cue 1- increased area and magnitude of damage within the airflow from the opening. A study conducted in 2012 examined the effect of carpet underlayment/carpet pad on post-flashover fire, floor patterns (Wood et al. If the mud and tape were present to cover the drywall seams, then typically the damage is lesser at this area. A series of nine full-scale studies, funded by the National Institute of Justice, were conducted with ignitable liquid fuel spilled on carpeted and vinyl flooring with varying ventilation scenarios (Mealy et al. The second way to retrace the path of the fire towards the origin was by the use of the effects produced, which they broke down into evaluating six parts including (a) char, (b) remains and debris, (c) room temperatures, (d) sequence of shorted electric circuits, (e) sequence of sprinkler eruptions, (f) interiors of partitions and (g) adjoining properties. It can be argued that this study was the nearest any of the methods have come to being testing for reliability or validity (Fig. They also discussed that locations and conditions of ventilation openings as functioning in two different capacities, where the fire could pass to the next roomor it may be a source of incoming air to feed the fire (Straeter and Crawford 1955). Wiley, California (USA), Kleindorfer P, Kunreuther H, Schoemaker P (1993) Decision Sciences: An Integrative Perspective. Key aspects of a decision support framework include identification of decision objectives, attributes (criteria) which are important to the decision problem and the weighting (importance) of the attributes to the decision given the uncertainty and variability in the data and relationship between the attributes. Finally, an area that is white in color surrounded by soot areas should not be classified as a clean burn area until closer examination is performed. 3). Every fire investigation text, including NFPA 921, uses shapes to describe the characteristics of the lines of demarcation associated with plume-generated patterns. Only one article was identified related to the use of visible char appearance in identifying varying DOFD where quantitative measures were attempted (Keith and Smith 1984). Fire effects were listed for each test, fire patterns identified and formal heat and flame vector analysis legends and diagrams were provided for each test. 2012), Resultant floor burn pattern from carpet pad seam without use of ignitable liquids (Wood et al. 2006; Hopkins et al. The most important finding from these tests is that the interpretation of all fire effects provides substantial evidence for the investigator to identify the correct area of origin (Gorbett et al. 2013). In 2013, Andrew Cox published an article proposing a new methodology for the assessment and interpretation of compartment fire damage through the use of what he termed the origin matrix (Cox 2013). This is of particular concern with respect to the importance of being able to identify and properly weigh potentially subtle differences from one fire scene to the next, some of which could have significant bearing on the development of the fire and the interpretation of the evidence. This study provides an understanding of the fire risk of building's exterior wall geometry design at different altitudes. Consequently, temperatures in the upper layer will also vary based on local variations in this combustion. 2013). Fire research station, Fire Research Note No. The temperature and resultant heat flux decreases with increasing radial distance from the plume centerline. These findings were reported as only being applicable for pre-flashover fires. Decision analysis has its roots in operations research, where it emerged from a desire to better understand and address decision-making under uncertainty, becoming viewed as a unique area of study in the 1960s (Howard 1966; Raiffa 1968). Fire Pattern Indicator, U or V Fire pattern that resembles a U or V shape and indicates the direction of fire progression in that area. The degree to which materials are influenced by the developing fire will be a function of the material characteristics, temperature of the products of combustion and the duration of exposure (NFPA 2014). Investigators use the varying heights and direction of the lines of demarcation as indicative of directional flow. Anderson5146. Carman (2008) noted similar areas of damage of great magnitude directly opposite door openings and within the inflow of the air from this door. 2013). Journal of Testing and Evaluation 40. doi:10.1520/JTE104261, Madrzykowski D, Kerber S (2009) Fire Fighting Tactics under Wind Driven Conditions: Laboratory Experiments. Chapter 4 fire patterns. (2004) had flames resulting from a lack of mixing within the compartment, which has also been identified in compartments with combustible linings (Drysdale 2011). u-shaped pattern. In 1992, NFPA 921s first edition identified most of these old indicators as misconceptions. Several studies noted areas of clean burn and damage of great magnitude occurring around contents and to wall surfaces within this airflow and to wall surfaces directly opposite of the opening during ventilation-controlled conditions (Custer and Wright 1984; Shanley et al. fire effects); Many of the early and current researchers assumed that every investigator was able to visibly assess varying degrees of damage equally without processes (Shanley et al. Mealy et al. Glossary Tag: WFISC PMS412 Wall condition on the four sides of a room may differ and thus indicate where most heat was applied (Straeter and Crawford 1955). The varying DOFD discussed in NFPA 921 is consistent with the findings from the existing studies (Schroeder 1999; Hicks et al. Terms and Conditions, A "U" shaped time line is created of the skills development. 2009-DN-BX-K232. Such patterns can provide clues as to the origin, cause or propagation path of the fire. 2009; Gorbett 2010; Gorbett et al. In these texts the authors stressed that the investigator should evaluate low burns for possible ignition sources, but did not necessarily link the damage to ignitable liquids. Department of Justice, USA, Milke J, Hill S (1997) Full-scale room fire experiments conducted at the University of Maryland. The first use of the term pattern was in 1969 by Kirk when discussing the normal behavior of heated gases. Pearson/Brady, New Jersey (USA), Delichatsios M (1984) Flame Heights of Turbulent Wall Fire with Significant Flame Radiation. a distinct area of damage or cluster of fire effects with identifiable and related lines of demarcation that share common damage characteristics, such as type, magnitude, direction and proximity (e.g. National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST Monograph 179, Gaithersburg, MD, Posey E, Posey J (1983) Using Calcination of Gypsum Wallboard to Reveal Burn Patterns. NFPA 921 (NFPA 2014) provides some generic guidance regarding the changes in visible appearance to gypsum wallboard in response to heating, but no formal scale had been proposed. The deposition of smoke/soot onto surface linings and contents within an enclosure stems from the following: Fluid flows Temperature and velocity of the gases colliding with cooler surfaces (thermophoretic forces). The statistics can be found in Additional file 1 associated with this review paper. This pattern has been associated with a fuel package that has the potential HRR to overcome the thermal inertia and start a pyrolysis reaction in the surface material, thereby creating the pattern, but insufficient energy to produce a plume which reaches any horizontal restriction above the fuel package (Hicks et al. Wood has been and remains a common material used for construction of structures and contents. Fire plumes against wall surfaces have shown to have moderate heat fluxes ranging from 40 to 80kW/m2, while heat fluxes measured in tests with objects immersed in diffusion flames range between 75 and 200kW/m2 Heskestad (1982); (Qian and Saito 1992; Dillon 1998; Lattimer 2008). Fire patterns are the result of a fire or its. The correct word is nadir, but to remain consistent with these texts apex will be used. As the fire develops, a substantial upper layer begins to The earliest texts (Rethoret 1945; Kennedy 1959), however, do not offer a process on how to use the data, other than vague descriptions on visibly identifying greater areas of damage and tracing varying char damage. This type of damage was first identified as being helpful at determining the area of origin by Straeter and Crawford (1955). The fire is generally regarded as well-ventilated when values of <0.30.5. As such, a subsection on testing is first presented to describe all fire pattern tests conducted, not just those evaluating the current use of the term. Location and elevation are essentially further describing proximity. Heat shadowing and protected areas were shown to assist investigators in determining that the fire did not originate behind certain contents (Shanley et al. In the United Kingdom the use of fire patterns can be found within the literature, though, they tended to discuss these as directional signposts where the heat flow will cause asymmetric effects within the building (Cooke and Ide 1985). Each compartment had a door that measured 2ft, 7in. 2013). All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Wood stud wall with varying DOFD char damage, Depth of char contour plot of wood stud wall depicted in Fig. 2006; Hicks et al. Fire and Arson Investigator Journal of the International Association of Arson Investigators 64:1833, Gorbett G, Morris S, Meacham B, Wood C (2014) A new method for the characterization of the degree of fire damage to gypsum wallboard for use in fire investigations. A summary of the findings from the literature review and recommendations based on this review will be provided within this section. Additional researchers and texts disavowed the use of this visible observation and its connection to the speed of fire (Cooke and Ide 1985; Ettling 1990; NFPA 1992). 2008; NFPA 2014). Carman attributed the failure to the lack of understanding by the investigation profession of the differences between pre- and post-flashover fire behavior and resulting damage. One aspect of looking at radiant heat flux is to determine if the secondary object has been raised to a critical temperature or is receiving a critical heat flux where ignition of that object is possible. Correspondingly, this heat source is often attributed to igniting contents throughout the compartment, especially those items located relatively high in elevation around the compartment (e.g. 2009). Fire Pattern Investigation of automotive fires often involves the interpretation of burn or heat damage patterns on the vehicle body, in the engine compartment, passenger compartment (interior), or cargo space. FIRE PATTERNS. Source: Guide to Wildland Fire Origin and Cause Determination, PMS 412. 1997; NFPA 2014; Gorbett et al. 1982; Mealy et al. Drysdale (2011) indicates that the average compartment temperatures are highest near the cross over between fuel-controlled and ventilation-controlled. The characteristics distilled from the literature are that the ULG patterns will have level lines of demarcation with relatively uniform magnitude of damage, unless the upper layer is flowing out of a compartment and if so the lines of demarcation will be angled towards the opening. Terms in this set (60) Fire effects. Fire investigators have historically relied upon damage as a means to conclude where a fire originated. Photograph of a Conical-Shaped Fire Pattern along a concrete block wall (fire origin was located under the stack of wooden pallets-fire test conducted at EKU by author). National Bureau of Standards, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. (USA), Carman S (2008) Burn Pattern Development in Post-Flashover Fires. The temperature of the plume will be greatest near the plume centerline and therefore the greatest heat flux to the ceiling surface will be at this location at this point throughout the duration of the fire. Photograph courtesy of Robert A. Corry. International Association of Arson Investigators 61:3844, Crofton, MD, McCaffrey B, Quintiere J (1977) Buoyancy-driven counter-current flows generated by a fire source. Wiley, Chichester (UK), Taylor R (1985) Carpet, Wood Floor and Concrete Burn Patterns Often Are Not From Flammable LiquidsAre a highly misunderstood aspect of fire investigation. A thermocouple tree was located at the area of origin. Generally, these texts encouraged investigators to visibly identify which side of a content item, wall, or structural member may have been more affected by heat. 1989; Quintiere 1995). 2004). Paper presented at the International Symposium on Fire Investigations. The natural convection drives air out of the compartment creating a lower pressure for inflow to be driven from gravity flows or can also be influenced by wind or other mechanically induced flows (e.g. 1997). U-shaped development can be seen in cognitive skills such as learning new words, or doing high-level algorithms in mathematics. However, Schroeders study did not produce an effective means for implementing this method into a scene inspection. 1997). 2010). A compartment (3.7m3.7m2.4m) with a single doorway ventilation opening located in the center of a wall was used for this series of tests. Fire plume generated fire patterns are the most important to identify correctly. Most recent studies consider taking the actual depth of calcination by using an instrument and probing it into the wall a more effective method (Mann and Putaansuu, 2010; Mealy and Gottuk, 2012; Kennedy et al. magnitude of damage, type of fire effect, color, texture) and are in close proximity to each other. The measuring pin is constructed of a 2mm cobalt drill bit. In 2011 three test fires were conducted that varied between single and multiple ventilation openings (Claflin 2014). melting of plastics, oxidation of metals). They appear between the affected area and adjacent, less-affected areas (NFPA 2014). If the burning fuel package is located away from the witness surface, the resulting fire pattern is shaped as a "U", 2013). The amount of soot deposited is dependent greatly on the thermophoretic forces and by soot losses throughout the building (Riahi and Beyler 2011; Riahi 2012; Riahi et al. Many calculations are focused on simplifying geometric shapes, such as cylinders, cones, planes and point targets. Hydrostatic pressure differences at the ventilation opening cause the hot gases to exit the compartment and cooler air to be transferred into the compartment, assuming no external force is causing a greater pressure. Plenary Paper presented at the International Symposium on Fire Investigations. The origin of both fires was located under the window in the sofa, but different accelerants were used to start each test fire with 2-gallons of gasoline in test 1 and scattered newspaper in test 2. Lines of demarcation are the borders defining the differences in certain heat and smoke effects of the fire on various materials. Drywall repairs, as well as tape and mud between drywall seams or the lack of this material may alter the observations of damage in these areas and will need to be considered. Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Performance-Based Codes and Fire Safety Design Methods, SFPE, Bethesda, MD (USA), Mealy C (2013) Ignitable Liquid Fuel Fires in Buildings A Study of Fire Dynamics. The conical fire pattern theory evolved into a more systematized manner by the Kennedys (Kennedy and Kennedy 1985). Wiley, Chichester (UK), Taroni F, Bozzo S, Aitken C, Garbolino P, Biedermann A (2010) Data Analysis in Forensic Science: A Bayesian Decision Perspective. Cambridge University Press, New York (USA), Lattimer B (2008) Heat Fluxes from Fires to Surfaces. (0.787m2.032m) and was opened to the exterior for the entire duration of the test. Together these make up the fire triangle. Identifying the cause of the damage is complicated by the fact that the investigator has to use evidence after the event, such as the location and magnitude of damage, compartment geometry, ventilation openings and the position and number of fuels as a means to identify the range of initial conditions that may have influenced how the fire developed. Accessed January 1, 2015, Morgan M, Henrion M (1990) Uncertainty: A Guide to Dealing with Uncertainty in Quantitative Risk and Policy Analysis. The compartment was furnished as a residential living room with a couch under the window, armchair directly across the room from the door opening, an office chair adjacent to the doorway and a coffee table. 1997; Carman 2008; Gorbett et al. Investigations Institute, Florida (USA), Gorbett G, Meacham B, Wood C (2010b) Development and Assessment of a Decision Support Framework for Enhancing the Forensic Analysis and Interpretation of Fire Patterns. A pattern may encompass the varying DOFD areas as long as the line of demarcation are linked by direction. ATF, Ammendale, MD, Pattern (2015) Merriam Webster Dictionary. Mass loss of the furniture items was measured at the end of each test and was showed to relate well to the area of origin. Paper presented at the Fire and Materials Conference. Test. 2008). smoke, aerosols). Noted differences with this level line of demarcation are damage in corners and near ventilation openings. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Fire Investigations. As such, fire origin determination is largely a matter of fire pattern recognition and interpretation (NFPA 2014). He then indicates that the contextual circumstances should also be evaluated, which include a relationship to other artifacts and associated casual factors (proximity to a fuel item), post-flashover conditions and proximity of damage to a ventilation opening. This was also observed on walls opposite door openings (Shanley et al. Plume-generated fire patterns are commonly associated with a greater magnitude of damage (NFPA 2014). These early definitions are broad and all encompassing of the entire fire scene. The higher temperatures and higher velocities of smoke cause greater collection of soot deposits to form in certain locations within the compartment. A two-dimensional fire pattern is expected to form on the vertical surface interface (i.e. Fire and Arson Investigator Journal of the International Association of Arson Investigators 32:8184, Crofton, MD, Fitch R, Porter E (1968) Accidental or Incendiary. The only procedural aspect that NFPA 921 provides for fire pattern use for origin determination is the heat and flame vector analysis (NFPA 2014). National Fire Protection Association, Quincy (USA), NFPA (2008) NFPA 921-Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigation. (1997)) reports that a damaged area of great magnitude was identified in the tests done in NISTs Large Fire Research Facility where the ventilation opening to the exterior of the compartment had access to an abundant amount of fresh air. endstream endobj 81 0 obj <> endobj 82 0 obj <> endobj 83 0 obj <>stream The fire patterns are evaluated and classified as to the likelihood of the causal link to the fire dynamics variables or other background factors that generated the damage. A U-shaped burn pattern found on the top of floor joists, caused by fire burning down through the floor. Fire patterns identified on the floor have been a common theme within fire investigation as being a possible indicator that flammable or combustible liquids were used within the fire (Smith 1983; Beyler 2009). Fire investigators describe this consistent damage to tops of contents as radiant heat damage being caused by the upper layer. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Fire Investigations. The most common definition of a pattern is something that happens in a regular and repeated way, combination of qualities forming consistent or characteristic arrangement and frequent or widespread incidence (Pattern 2015). As the temperatures are higher in the room of origin it is expected that an upper layer will be affecting those surfaces higher in elevation. 1997). The further the fuel item burning was from the wall surface, the lines of demarcation would be more subtle in contrast and would be more round in angle in the shape of a U. Kennedy and Kennedy (1985) were also the first to propose that damage would be in the shape of a triangular, columnar, or conical shape after the flame plume had intersected a wall surface within a compartment. The DOFD as outlined in this article never received any traction within the community and has never been picked up in any other literature (Figs. This change in ventilation is typically done during ventilation-controlled conditions, which causes the HRR to increase within the compartment and results in combustion wherever the mixture of UHCs and oxygen is sufficient and that the mixture be at a sufficient temperature to initiate combustion (Madrzykowski and Kerber 2009; Kerber and Walton 2005). As used here, decision frameworks, tools or methods encompass any mechanism used to support the systematic identification and assessment of information deemed important to a decision, ranging from checklists to structured problem-diagnostic tools such as fault trees, event trees or decision trees, to computationally supported decision analysis tools. Investigations Institute, Florida (USA), Hoffmann J, Hoffman D, Kroll E, Kroll M (2003) Full Scale Tests of Television Sets and Electronic Appliances. wood chair) and the pyrolyzates (unburned fuel) will burn in locations near ventilation openings and along airflow paths when sufficient oxygen for combustion exists (Custer and Wright 1984; Shanley et al. Conversely, as the smoke moves away from the room of origin the temperatures will decrease, which causes the smoke to descend within the compartment causing lighter soot to deposit across the entire elevation of wall surfaces. Post-test data collection included examination, photography and a subset of depth of char measurements. 2003). In addition, they may not know where or how to obtain additional information, or how to judge the value of the information in the context of the overall decision. Kirk being one of the few texts at the time that opposed this idea when declaring flammable liquids never carry fire downward (Kirk 1969). Door openings to the exterior were identified as being the most influential to damage. National Bureau of Standards, NBSIR 822520, Maryland (USA), Stickney (1984) Recognizing Where Arson Exists. None of these texts, however, provided a methodology to the reader on how to go about identifying what constitutes greater and lesser visible or measurable char damage. Many plastic materials will burn. Shanley et al. 2003). Most notably, patterns which indicated areas of intense burning but were remote from the point of origin were observed and were determined to be from ventilation effects only. The forces bearing on the fire were identified in this text as (a) combustibles involved, (b) openings and ventilation, (c) winds and drafts, (d) explosions and (e) variations from normal burning. The investigator has always been tasked to evaluate damage from lesser to greater with minimal advice related to any meaning that exists for the lack of damage or the lesser damaged areas (Rethoret 1945). Several researchers have identified significant changes in damage around drywall seams (Claflin 2014; Gorbett et al. Fire and Arson Investigator Journal of the International Association of Arson Investigators 63:2440, Utiskul Y (2007) Theoretical and Experimental Study on Fully-Developed Compartment Fires. Cue 2-increased area and magnitude of damage across from the opening. Fire and Arson Investigator Journal of the International Association of Arson Investigators 1:2526, Crofton, MD, Putorti A (1997) Full Scale Room Burn Pattern Study. In the first edition of NFPA (1992) the investigator was cautioned, that no specific time of burning can be determined based solely upon depth of char. This combination of using damage in the context of the fire behavior variables was new to the profession in 1955, but then apparently lost for the next 40years. 98 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<91F1DAB77B67D07957F283104A2F7883><83C49AA1AA664D4BAE5EBD1CBF89369B>]/Index[80 32]/Info 79 0 R/Length 87/Prev 597082/Root 81 0 R/Size 112/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream The term related also is included to permit the linkage of the lines of demarcation with progressively increasing or decreasing degrees of damage, such as flow of a hot gas into/out of a compartment. In this section of the literature review, sections discuss the basic causes of fire patterns and will serve as the connection of fire investigation terminology to the fire science research that has been conducted in those areas. Since the beginning of fire investigations, the focus on how to determine the area of origin for a fire was to try and use damage to work backwards in an attempt to recreate the development of the fire within the investigators mind. To accomplish this, the researchers evaluated the variability of the flame height in comparison to the height and area of damage. Dissertation, The University of Edinburgh, Kahneman D, Tversky A (1974) Judgment under uncertainty: heuristics and biases. This review evaluates the historical and current literature on the topic, with a specific emphasis towards the research conducted over the past 80years related to fire patterns. Sides that are wider at the bottom and slope upward to the center of the hole are from below (NFPA 2014). Fire Technology 17(2):98119, McGraw R, Mowrer F (1999) Flammability of Painted Gypsum Wallboard Subjected to Fire Heat Fluxes. Kirk was the next to put forward a general process on how to identify the area of origin based on damage. Shanley et al. As the compartment transitions through flashover and into full-room involvement, the upper layer descends toward the floor and encompasses nearly the entire volume of the compartment. In ventilation-controlled conditions, cue 1 was the most positively identified in 87% of the studies (39/45), cues 25 were identified in 76% of the studies (34/45), cue 6 was identified in 62% of the studies (28/45), and cue 7 was only identified in 42% of the studies (19/45). Variability of the term pattern was in 1969 by Kirk when discussing the normal behavior heated! Fuel-Controlled and ventilation-controlled surface interface ( i.e normal behavior of heated gases carpet pad... Temperature and Resultant heat flux decreases with increasing radial distance from the existing studies ( Schroeder 1999 Hicks... 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Stuart Scheller Family Left Him, Articles U